Unsuitable Girl


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» Listings for 2024

  1. After this virus has finally left me...(after seven weeks and counting...) I will be out into the garden, among my bonsai trees, and out for walks, off to visit long planned RHS gardens which at the moment seem very out of reach.... And seeing Ivor and Magnus and Tamsin, possibly in Kent, if not here in the West Midlands. And I can catch up on celebrating being 80. A lunch party in the garden would be fun, in August possibly. Best buddies from the Italian group and one of two from the book group and our close pals across the road, Barbara and Kathryn. And more visits from Iona, Angus, Melissa and Paul to play in the garden. These are my plans....Oh and I plan to dive into my writing again...and finally publish Hold Fast to Dreams, the sequel to Unsuitable Girl. 


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